Worship Teams
"Missions Exist Because worship Doesn't"
- John Piper
At its essence, worship is the act of acknowledging that God is in charge, not us, and is worthy of our praise and thanks. Worship is the most common of all ministries that occurs in jails. Our Worship Teams are comprised of partner volunteers from local congregations who go into the jails and spend time in worship and fellowship with the incarcerated men and women. We go, simply, because they cannot come.
The style of worship is as varied as our teams. We encourage and expect each team to take ownership of their team as their own ministry (because it is). Thus, each team worships out of its own tradition.
Currently, 90+ TJM Worship Teams visit the jails in Cincinnati (Hamilton County) representing more than 20 denominations. All Worship Teams adhere to a comprehensive list of Policies and Procedures to ensure the safety and security within the jail facilities and among our volunteers.
For a list of our Worship Teams and the churches they represent, click here.
Declare his glory among the nations,
his marvelous works among all the peoples!
For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised,
and he is to be feared above all gods.
For all the gods of the peoples are worthless idols,
but the LORD made the heavens.
Splendor and majesty are before him;
strength and joy are in his place.
1 Chronicles 16:24-27 (ESV)
how your church can start a worship team:
For your church to be considered for a TJM Worship Team, complete the application form.
If you are a volunteer looking to join an existing team, or if you are a current worship team member or team leader renewing your paperwork, please submit a Worship Team Member application.
Sign up for an informational hearing and training time with TJM. All applicants will be emailed when an informational hearing is scheduled.
Each team member must submit a Request for Security Clearance. This is a background check performed by the Hamilton Co. Sheriff's Department. Members must be able to successfully pass this background check in order to gain access to the Justice Center.
Note: Background checks must be resubmitted every two years. In order to avoid a lapse in your clearance, please resubmit this two-to-three months before your background check expires.
Each team member must read and agree with a comprehensive list of Policies and Procedures. This can be submitted through our online form by clicking here P&P.
Each member must sign a TJM/HCSO waiver indicating they understand the risk of entering a corrections facility and will not hold TJM, the Hamilton Co. Sheriff’s Department, or any other party responsible for injury that occurs while volunteering.
Note: The waiver requires the applicant’s signature as well as a witness. The two MUST have the same dates so that we know the witness did indeed witness the applicant sign the waiver.
You will then be contacted by a member of our staff if your team is selected to minister with TJM. Positions are limited and teams are selected by need at the discretion of TJM Staff and the TJM Board of Directors.
Worship Team Leaders will need to submit a copy of their driver’s license or a government recognized photo i.d. You will then be directed to visit the Hamilton Co. Sheriff’s Department in order to have a badge made for entry to the Justice Center.
Note: Each worship team must have at least one badged member, but additional badges can be granted for backup worship team leaders. A badged member of your worship team must be present for your worship team to be granted entry. Each team member should not be given a badge. Badges expire every two years.
Still have questions? Visit our FAQ page.