Orientation Sign-Up

Transforming Jail Ministries is now scheduling orientations for churches wishing to be involved in our worship team ministry. We currently have room to add as many as seven churches and ask that each church team has no fewer than three members approved to visit with no fewer than two volunteers to host services. 

Each week local churches send volunteers into corrections facilities in Hamilton Co. with an average total weekly inmate attendance of around 550. Your team can expect as few as one inmate attend or as many as 50-60 depending on the week’s scheduled location. 

Worship services in jail look a lot like services each week with your congregation and may include singing, teaching or preaching, and prayer. Transforming Jail Ministries does not tell churches how to worship as each of us has our particular convictions and traditions. We simply provide the parameters in which volunteers must operate (i.e., personal conduct, what can be taken in and out of facilities during services, etc.).

Please fill out the below form in its entirety to schedule an orientation. TJM will be in contact with you in the near future confirming your orientation date. Orientation will be followed up with a training session for those who choose to do so and seem to be a good fit with this ministry.

Please complete the form below