2020 Financial Contributors

Diamond ($10,000+)

Hamilton Co. Sheriff’s Office
Ohio River Valley District UMC

Platinum ($3,000+)

Knox Presbyterian Church
Jack Collins

Gold ($1,000+)

Dominic Iacobucci
Anderson Hills UMC
Michael Ehrensberger
Kitko Family Charitable Fund
Thomas Vinegar
The Indian Hill Church
John Gibson
Westwood UMC
Barry and Carol Bien
Peoples Church

Silver ($500+)

New Life Christian Church
Mt. Washington Presbyterian
Philip Williamson
Dan Reece
Brad Weber
Northminster Presbyterian
Living the Word
William Hughes
Shiloh SDA Church
Jerome Cappel
James Hammond
Tree of Life
First Apostolic Church

Bronze ($100+)

Our Lady of Lourdes
God's Bible School
World Faith Harvest Fellowship
Ken Berry
Gray Road Church of Christ
Madison Place Community Church
Scott Muhlhauser
Dryden Jones
Leonard C. Wenke
Trent Becknell
Deborah Entner
Leon James
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Hartzell United Methodist
Society of the Transfiguration
Nkinin Stephenson
Barbara Tuffendsam
Isaach Hamner
Steven and Carla Hendricks
Jerry Howard
Dr. Donald Jones
Corinthian Baptist Church
Franciscan Sisters of the Poor
Jacob Potticary
Robert Reed
Richard Tepe
Steven Long
Grace Covenant Church
James Smitherman
Nancy Getter
Rachell Garrett
David R. Clary
Wanda G. Curtsinger
New Vision UMC
St. Ignatius of Loyola
Brenda Daniels
Melvin Farrish
John A. and Deeann C. Gauche
Betty Gibson
Gregg Holthus
James Hopper
Robert E. and Nancy A. Kidd
Gary Limle
New Life Temple Church

Bronze ($100+, cont'd.)

Olivet Baptist Church
Angelo Puopolo
Gary Rains
St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church


Marie Adams
Robert Lloyd, Jr.
Beverly Bolling
Carol Dean
Nathaniel Dean
Melanie Elkin
David Fishwick
Thomas J. Gruber
Carolyn and Rolf Hahne
Elizabeth Haradon
Fred and Sherrie Heyse
Michael Johnson
Susan Keefe
Patricia Lee
James Moyer
Carrie Murray
Joe Peeler
Philip Seher
Steven Smith
Twin Towers Chapel
Donald Hudson
Anna Rechel
Sandra DeVoe
Cassandra Keys
Linda Larsen
June Van Dyke
Marilyn Ward
Barb Kitko
Laurence Laning
Euvie Rankin
Jane Beischel
Sue Brungs
Geraldine Coffey
Mary Considine
Ronald English Jr.
David Eslinger
Katherine Fiorelli
Joanne Fischesser
Rosemarie Hunt
Margaret Keller
Jessica Kirkpatrick
Bonnie Lemmel
William Morton
Ruta Mueller
Nancy Radcliffe
Joel Roadruck
Christine Whaley
Carol Wolper
Kathy Beard
Diane Blazer
Gwenn Dobos
Jeffrey Folkens
Mark Gibson
Bill Hammons
Linda Hines
Ivy D. Jackson
Matthew Klosterman
Randall Lipps
Howard E. Martin, Jr.
Our Lady of the Visitation Church
Parkside Christian Church
Olaf Strom
Karen Wirthlin
Vernell Turner
Kerry Duke
Judy Bohn
Lisa Hinger
Charlene Schwab
Yvonne Smith
Maura Unger
Jacque VanHouten
Pamela Ward

Other Ministry Partners

Aglow International - aglow.org
BLOC Ministries - onebloc.org
Christian Library International - cli.world
Cincinnati Type & Print Museum - Website
Gideons International - gideons.org
Ligonier Prison Ministries - ligonier.org
World Book Bank, Inc. - worldbookbank.org