Our Programs
Each year, Transforming Jail Ministries provides training and support for the individuals and teams who visit the men and women in jail. These volunteers signup to minister to individuals who are often experiencing some of the lowest moments in their lives. We show up to meet them where they are that they may come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Currently, three different training tracks exist:
- Adult Jail Chaplaincy
- Worship Team
- Clergy Contact Visit
adult Jail Chaplaincy
The primary purpose of the AJC training is to evaluate and prepare those who have expressed interest in volunteering inside a jail setting. While class size is limited, anyone who is interested in attending the training--whether they intend to join the AJC team or not--is welcome to submit an application.
clergy contact visit
Clergy are invited to take part in our Clergy Contact Visit program in order to minister to those belonging to their faith communities upon request. We suggest ministers do this before they need access in order to avoid missing out on a ministry opportunity.
Worship teams
Each week our volunteers witness around 600 inmates attend worship services on Sunday mornings. These services resemble what many of us experience on Sundays at our churches: singing, teaching, and prayer.
cookies at christmas
Individuals from all around the Greater Cincinnati area bake 15,000 homemade cookies each year for our chaplains to deliver to 2,000 inmates and officers at Christmas. This is a small, but appreciated offering for those incarcerated and at work.