Frequently Asked Questions: “Return to Service”
We will be updating this page as questions roll in and we have answers for those questions. If you don’t see an answer below to your questions, please email us. This page is not intended or believed to be an exhaustive treatment on COVID-19, nor does it claim to be an authoritative source on the spread of infectious disease.
Does TJM have safety guidance in place for those volunteering their time in jail?
Yes. You can find our safety guidance here. Worship Team Leaders must sign the accompanying acknowledgement at the bottom of the page before their team will be scheduled to serve.Will I be removed from ministry if I do not return during the pandemic?
No one will have their access revoked from serving during this time unless your credentials or security clearance expire. We want you to make an informed decision to re-enter and we want you to be comfortable with your decision. TJM will not pressure you to return and you should not allow others to do so either.Is my safety guaranteed if I enter?
Put in a word, no. Generally speaking, there has always been and will always be a health and safety risk when entering any secured facility. More specifically though, COVID-19 is invisible. There is a long, asymptomatic incubation period with COVID-19 and our best approach is to assume it is everywhere (inside and outside corrections facilities). Each person is urged to make a prayerfully discerned decision alongside family, friends, and healthcare providers before entering. We will do all we can to inform you of best practices and situational changes, but we cannot guarantee your safety.Are there any positive cases of COVID-19 within the Hamilton Co. Justice Center?
As of writing this (06/19/2020), no inmate in the care of the Hamilton Co. Sheriff’s Office has tested positive. Three corrections officers tested positive in April, but each is believed to have occurred outside our facilities. All three officers have since recovered and returned to work. No known cases have occurred since that time.Are inmates required to wear masks?
Inmates have been provided with face masks, but wearing a face mask is optional for inmates.If inmates test positive or are presumed to be positive for COVID-19, will we be informed before visiting with them?
Medical history is private. Healthcare staff cannot share the individual medical history of inmates with us. However, the following units are reserved for quarantine and isolation: S21 C&D, S22 E&F, N51 B,C,&D, N31 D, and N32 G. Worship teams will not be assigned to S21, S22, or N51. N31 and N32 will be assigned teams, but inmates within the quarantine and isolation pods will not be present for those services. Chaplains and clergy are urged to conduct non-contact visits on the mezzanines of these units.Do I have to wear a mask the entire time I am inside a facility?
Yes. All chaplains, clergy, and worship team members are required to wear a mask for the duration of their time inside any correctional or treatment facility we serve. Chaplains may remove their mask in the chaplain’s office if others are not present, but must put it back on when exiting or around others.