Clergy Contact Visiting Covenant

The underlying philosophy of the Clergy Contact Visiting program is that we, the clergy, will do everything right as we exercise the contact visiting privileges granted to us in the Hamilton County jail facilities. Even if we are granted opportunities outside what we are entitled to, we will not accept them, for the greater good of the program. This is not about what you can get away with. It is about what you know to be right and maintaining access for yourself and others in the future and safety and security in the present.

  1. Take as little as possible into the jail (or any other correctional/treatment facility). Obviously, no chains, knives (of any size or type), or guns. 

  2. Leave purses and non-essential belongings in the trunk of your car.

  3. No cameras, cell phones, or other electronic devices (tablets, iPods, etc.) may be taken into the secure areas of any correctional or treatment facilities.

  4. Don't bring anything into or out for an inmate. This includes, but is not restricted to, food, drinks, mail, etc. Religious materials are permitted, but staples, paperclips, rubber bands etc, may not be included. Hardback books, including Bibles, are not permitted. 

  5. If you know, never reveal to an inmate, if or when they will be taken out of the facility.

  6. Never hug, embrace, or kiss inmates. Brief handshakes are permitted.

  7. Your contact visit privileges are offered in your role as an ordained clergyperson only.

  8. Do not visit any corrections or treatment facility with any alcohol, or illicit chemicals, on your breath or in your system. Furthermore, possession of such items within the facility is illegal.

  9. Tell the truth if questioned by a member of Corrections staff.

  10. Your dress and hygiene should be neat and clean. Shorts, t-shirts, jeans, sweatpants, jogging pants, shirts that expose cleavage, spaghetti strap shirts, are strictly prohibited.

  11. You may not visit any member of your family, including in-laws and step-relatives, through the Clergy Contact Visiting program. When visiting a family member, your status is that of a private citizen (non-contact and during normal visiting hours). In this case your visit will count as the one allotted visit per visiting day and behind the glass on the mezzanine level.

  12. If you are in doubt, or have questions, always ask a Corrections Officer (not an inmate) and they will be glad to help you. You may also contact Transforming Jail Ministries.

Remember, you are person of faith. Expectations of you are high. This is true on the part of inmates, officers, the Sheriff, and Transforming Jail Ministries. Corrections Staff have the right to inspect you and your belongings upon entry. Lastly, you are expected to be informed, to conduct yourself well, and be cooperative and helpful at all times. You can expect the same from the rest of us. Let us know how we can be helpful to you as your ministry takes you into the jail facilities of Hamilton County.